Contact Us.We would love to hear from you!Address: 1901 S. Fourth Ave. Morton, IL 61550 Phone: 309.266.9510 Administrative Director, Paula Lafond This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Co-Director, Elena Menold This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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Donate Today
Donations accepted during regular business hours Mon-Fri, or special arrangements can be made. Contact us for more information.
Many volunteers are needed to run the food pantry. Contact us for more information on dates/times/jobs needed.
Monitary dontations can be made online or by check. Online giving is handled through Church Center. Select Community Harvest as the fund you are donating to. Click Here to give online. Checks can be made out to Community Harvest Food Pantry, and can be mailed to 1901 S 4th Ave, Morton Il 61550.